07 February 2006

Fits and starts.

The yarn for my Rogue arrived today so I sat down to start it tonight. I did the bias hem option on US 4 needles and then went to dig through my needles to find US 6 circs (fearing all the while that US 6's are going to be too large - I apparently tend to knit loose and going up two full needle sizes when my gauge is only half a stitch off in the bias hem part is a little nervewracking).. and .. the pair that I thought were US 6's ended up being US 8's and only 16 inches anyway. Hmph. So I had to stop and tomorrow I'll need to run out and get some US 5 circs (and I might grab some 6's while I'm at it) so I can start the actual pattern part.

I also need to swatch for Fair Isle 101, but the yarn hits gauge on US 5's, so I imagine I will be find on US 4's. I'll find out more or less for sure tomorrow or the next day, though, certainly before I leave for the weekend (and spend 6 hours in a car working on said sweater). Which reminds me that I should look for my two missing US 4 DPNs, or just get a set of those tomorrow, too.

In the meantime, I'm working on the sock I started Sunday and half listening to A Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthur's Court.

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